Thursday, April 16, 2009

Is lead paint illegal in places other than the US?

Part of my master plan to lead a healthy life and grab each day by the whatevers involves going to the gym before class in the mornings. So far I've done it twice!

On Tuesday morning, I was walking to the gym at Hotel Quito, just a block away from my building, when I got that "something is in my left eye" sensation, which was promptly followed by a "something is in my right eye" sensation. There were little blue and gray flakes all over the ground. What's going on? I looked up to see more of these flakes falling from the sky, and a looming building that was blue on top but a dirty gray color starting about 30 feet below the building's top floor. And there were some dudes in a window washing cart. Oh, they're chipping paint! And it's falling straight onto the sidewalk. Oh, Ecuador! I took the paint out of my eye in the Hotel Quito bathroom and did 20 minutes of cardio.

1 comment:

Zach said...

Loving this. So much.